Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Magic box

This week Miss O'neil gave us the task of writing a poem about a magic box. This is my magic box poem and what I put into it.

Image result for magic box

Magic box

I will put into my box
A ball that goes into a basket
A console black as coal
The sound of laughter

I will put in the box
The undead gory as ever
A purple stuffed dinosaur crying with no friends
A country melting in a pot

I will put in the box
A unicorn magical and hungry
A tv show that lost its fame
The swish silk sari on a summer night

I will put in the box
A club losing its home
A lost boy from neverland
A poor sole tortured slowly

My box is fashioned by gold and silver
With a purple lid
A kiwis knee joint for a hinge

I shall play for the all blacks in my box
Stumbling around meeting new friends.  

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Ocean maker

This is my narrative story on the short film Ocean maker. is is a cool small film with a different ending to normal films. We spent the first 20 minutes brain storming are ideas and thoughts on the charter and everything in the film. Then we stated to plan are story on a sheet and then we began writing.  I would really appreciate if you could give me some feedbacks on my writing and if I used enough descriptive words and punctuation.

Ever since  all the water disappeared wendy searched for parts to a machine she was making it was called the ocean maker many people didn't think she could do it but there were few that though that she could. searching for the part to her machine she thought she had located the part she heard that it was at a small farm  north of her home she flew there in her plane the junker.

When she found that farm she started to descend something shot at me i put up a flag of peace on the plane before I started my descent. suddenly my top left engine started to fail the plane started to turn right I pulled to the left I put the plane to auto pilot and looked out the binoculars and saw a man on a turret and machines guns loaded on another 15 men. I loaded the machine guns on each side of the plane turned it off autopilot and fired their guns sadly the plane got shot down and wendy sadly died in a crash.